Chapter 28: Working with Colors
In This Chapter
• Specifying colors in VBA code
• Using VBA conversion functions for various color models
• Converting colors to grayscale
• Working with document themes
• Modifying colors in Shape objects
• Modifying colors in charts
Specifying Colors
Dealing with color in Excel can be complicated. And often, recording a macro while you change the color of a cell or an object only adds to the confusion.
One of the most significant changes introduced in Excel 2007 was the abandonment of the old 56-color workbook palette. Back in the pre–Excel 2007 days, a workbook stored a palette of 56 colors. These colors were the only ones available for cell backgrounds, cell text, and charts. You could modify those colors, but you couldn't exceed the 56-color limit for a workbook.
The situation changed in Excel 2007, which provided access to a virtually unlimited number of colors in a workbook. (The limit is 16,777,216 colors, which I think qualifies as virtually unlimited.)
In VBA, you can specify a color as a decimal color value between 0 and 16,777,215. For example, the VBA statement that follows changes the background color of the active cell to a dark maroon:
ActiveCell.Interior.Color = 5911168
In addition, VBA has predefined constants for some common colors. For example, vbRed has a value of 255 (the decimal value for pure red), and vbGreen has a value of 65,280.
No one can keep track of nearly 17 million colors, and the predefined constants are limited. ...
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