Chapter 4

Going Through Changes


Opening workbook files for editing

Undoing your boo-boos

Moving and copying with drag and drop

Copying formulas

Moving and copying with Cut, Copy, and Paste

Deleting cell entries

Deleting and inserting columns and rows

Spell-checking the worksheet

Verifying cell entries with Text to Speech

Picture this: You just finished creating, formatting, and printing a major project with Excel — a workbook with your department’s budget for the next fiscal year. Because you finally understand a little bit about how the Excel thing works, you finish the job in crack time. You’re actually ahead of schedule.

You turn the workbook over to your boss so that she can check the numbers. With plenty of time for making those inevitable last-minute corrections, you’re feeling on top of this situation.

Then comes the reality check — your boss brings the document back, and she’s plainly agitated. “We forgot to include the estimates for the temps and our overtime hours. They go right here. While you’re adding them, can you move these rows of figures up and those columns over?”

As she continues to suggest improvements, your heart begins to sink. These modifications are in a different league than, “Let’s change these column headings from bold to italic and add shading to that row of totals.” Clearly, you’re looking at a lot more work on this baby than you had contemplated. Even worse, you’re looking at making structural changes that threaten to unravel the ...

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