Chapter 19
Accessing Your Macros through the User Interface
In This Chapter
Getting a sneak peek into customizing the Ribbon using XML
Adding items to a right-click menu
Adding a button to the Quick Access toolbar (manually)
Customizing the Ribbon (manually)
Before Office 2007, there was no such thing as a Ribbon. Back then, people used drop-down menus and toolbars. Now, the Ribbon is the user interface for Microsoft Office.
You might expect to be able to create custom Ribbon commands using VBA. The bad news is that you can’t use VBA to modify the Ribbon. The good news is that you’re not completely out of luck. This chapter describes some of the ways to work with Excel’s user interface.
Ribbon Customization
This section describes ways to customize the Ribbon. You can modify the Ribbon manually, but you cannot make changes to the Ribbon by using VBA. Sad, but true. For example, if you write an application and you’d like to add a few new buttons to the Ribbon, you need to program those changes outside of Excel, using something called RibbonX.
Customizing the Ribbon manually
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