10.12. Changing Server Banners


You want to change the service connection banner displayed to new SMTP, IMAP, or POP sessions.


Using a graphical user interface

The following steps describe how to use MetaEdit on Windows 2000 Server to change the SMTP, IMAP, or POP banners:

  1. Log in to the target Exchange server as an administrator.

  2. Download MetaEdit 2.2 from the Microsoft Download Center (http://download.microsoft.com/download/iis50/Utility/5.0/NT45/EN-US/MtaEdt22.exe) and install it.

  3. Open MetaEdit and open the Lm\< ServiceName> \ <VirtualServerNumber> node, where <ServiceName> is either imap4svc, pop3svc, or smtpsvc.

  4. From the Edit menu, select New String.

  5. In the ID field, select Other and enter the banner ID (36907 for SMTP, 41661 for POP, and 49884 for IMAP).

  6. In the Data field, type the new banner entry.

  7. Close MetaEdit.

  8. Stop and restart the service whose banner you modified.

The following steps describe how to use MetaBase Explorer on Windows Server 2003 to change the SMTP service banner:

  1. Log in to the target server as an administrator.

  2. Install the IIS 6.0 Resource Kit on the Exchange Server 2003 server (get it from:


    if necessary).

  3. Open the MetaBase Explorer.

  4. Expand the LM and SmtpSvc nodes, right-click the number corresponding to the SMTP virtual server instance you are going to modify, and select New String Record.

  5. In the Record Name or Identifier field, select ConnectResponse, click ...

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