Chapter 18

Exceptions to the Rule (Ain’t There Always)

In This Chapter

arrow Rebalancing your ETF portfolio once a year

arrow Practicing tactical asset allocation

arrow Harvesting tax losses

arrow Revamping your portfolio as life changes

arrow Playing (or not playing) the ETF options game

When I was a kid, long before there was such a thing as online banking, I would often pedal my metallic blue three-speed Schwinn bicycle to one of the local savings banks on Long Island to deposit my allowance money. In those days, if you opened a new account, you were often given a free gift: a toaster, clock radio, leather wallet, crystal candlesticks, or such. This was a great incentive to switch banks, and I did so with some regularity.

Today, I don’t generally ride my bicycle to the bank. I don’t think they even make three-speeds anymore. And most neighborhood banks no longer give away toasters or clock radios. Times change! Yet sometimes it still makes sense to switch your investments around.

In the previous chapter, I ...

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