Praise for Executive Roadmap to Fraud Prevention and Internal Control: Creating a Culture of Compliance
“Executive Roadmap touches all the bases on corporate fraud. The authors–both experienced fraud investigators and federal law enforcement agents–lay out the history and major milestones of corporate fraud, and discuss with precision the key issues facing today’s executives and compliance leaders. The book provides a valuable overview for business leaders looking to develop and implement effective compliance programs and instill a culture of integrity in order to help their organizations defeat the challenges posed by today’s sophisticated fraudsters.
–Jeffrey Eglash, Senior Counsel, Litigation & Legal Policy, GE
“Biegelman and Bartow provide great insight into not just how fraud occurs inside of companies, but why. Preventing fraud requires a solid understanding of both, making this book a must read for any executive who is serious about creating the compliance mechanisms and the corporate culture needed for effective fraud prevention.”
–Aaron G. Murphy, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP
“Business leaders would be wise to follow the recommendations in this book. Fraud prevention is more than just creating a set of policies. As the subtitle indicates, it is essential to create a culture of compliance. Empty words accomplish nothing. The authors, both experienced fraud examiners, have spent decades investigating fraud, as well as developing strategies to prevent it. This book is an ...
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