Working with Your Data

Multiple Choice

Short Answer

Programming Exercises

Multiple Choice

  1.   Which of the following assignment statements is valid for the numeric variable Score?

a.   Score / 100;

b.   Score = Score / 100;

c.   Score = 'Score' / 100;

d.   Score = 'Score / 100';

  2.   Given the following raw data and program, what will be the value of Total1 for the second observation in the resulting SAS data set?


1  160 50  202  150 55  .3  120 40  304  140 50  25

DATA cholesterol;

  INFILE 'c:\MyRawData\Patients.dat';

  INPUT ID Ldl Hdl Vldl;

  Total1 = Ldl + Hdl + Vldl;RUN;

a.   230

b.   205

c.   .

d.   215

  3.   Given the following raw data and program, what will be the value of Total2 for the second observation ...

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