Chapter 20. Software for Medical Devices and Our Need for Good Software Test Automation
Albert Farré BenetChristian Ekiza LujuaHelena Soldevila GrauManel Moreno JáimezFernando Monferrer PérezCelestina Bianco
Even if you are not working with medical devices, this chapter, written by Albert Farré Benet, Christian Ekiza Lujua, Helena Soldevila Grau, Manel Moreno Jáimez, Fernando Monferrer Pérez, and Celestina Bianco, has many interesting lessons for anyone in automation. For the safety-related applications they test, a strict, formal test process is used with a risk-based approach to the implementation of the automation. Their story shows how success can be mixed even across different projects in the same organization; attempts to resurrect previous ...
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