Chapter 4Android Studio In Depth


  • Android Studio menu
  • Android Studio shortcuts
  • Android Studio tool views
  • Editors
  • Android Studio live templates
  • Code refactoring in Android Studio
  • Updating existing code
  • Signing key for Android application in Android Studio
  • Building APKs in Android Studio

The previous three chapters provided an introduction to environment setup and how to start a new project with Android Studio. This chapter dives into Android Studio's tools and best practices before digging into application development with Android Studio.

A good introduction to Android Studio tools will help you develop applications efficiently and enable you to take advantage of Android Studio as an IDE to ease the development process and optimize your application.

Throughout the chapter, we will review the Android Studio menu items and tools and answer questions you might have about why and when to use or access them. The chapter begins with menu items and then tackles shortcuts and tools used in Android Studio. Then you look at code refactoring with Android Studio and Live Templates. The chapter concludes with a focus on Android Studio's APK building utilities.


If you are used to developing Android applications with Eclipse-based ADT, it may take a while to get to know Android Studio menu items.

Figure 4.1 shows all the menus: Android Studio (only in the Mac version), File, Edit, View, Navigate, Code, Analyze, Refactor, Build, Run, Tools, ...

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