11.4. Handling Exceptions

With the packages now migrated, the real work begins. As you can see in Figure 11-10, when you open the converted package, there are a number of errors that will need to be addressed. The specific errors in this case are that the target table that you're trying to load doesn't exist. You can fix this error in one of two ways. You can either run the Create Table Execute SQL Task manually, or change the DelayValidation property to True for the Data Flow Task. This validation error is because the table that the later step refers to doesn't exist until the Execute SQL Task has been run.

When using the wizard to convert your DTS packages, you may experience quite a few exceptions. The remaining sections in this chapter speak to some of those exceptions.

Figure 11-10. Errors to be addressed

11.4.1. Dynamic Properties Task

The first problem to solve with both of the example downloaded DTS packages is what to do with the Dynamic Properties Task that didn't convert over. As you know, there is no such thing as a Dynamic Properties Task in SSIS, so the wizard converts the task to a Script Task with stub code. The following stub code does nothing at all, other than to offer you a scope document on how to finish the conversion of your package:

Public Class ScriptMain ' DTS Execution Engine will call this method when your task is executed. ' You can access DTS object ...

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