Explore Using WASI and WebAssembly with Rust to Produce Safe and Portable Code

In this Shortcut, I’ll introduce you to the details of working with WASI, WebAssembly, and Rust, a very exciting and successful combination of technologies for producing safe, fast, and portable code. On the one hand, it will feel very similar to what I showed you in the “Use WASI and WebAssembly to Make Applications More Secure” Shortcut. On the other hand, we will dive further into the details and explore the ideas from some other perspectives that I hope will continue to enrich your overall understanding of the WebAssembly ecosystem.

If you have been following along with our growing WebAssembly Shortcuts Playlist, you may be getting a little flustered by all of the different ways of doing things with different tools and languages. This remains both the strength and the weakness of the WebAssembly platform. There is a lot to learn, but once you get your head wrapped around the basics, there is surprisingly little to it and there are lots of solutions to your needs. On some level, you do not have to work as hard because the WebAssembly designers, implementers, and tool developers are doing the work for you.

In the GitHub repository for this Shortcut, you should enter the directory 19-Wasi. There, in a pre-populated project called demo, you will find the simplest possible Rust application that does something. It prints out Hello, world! when ...

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