Chapter 8. Case study 205
Select Edit and then Execute to bring up the input parameters panel, as shown
in Figure 8-13.
Figure 8-13 MapVolumeToFA input parameters
The LUN field is a user number that is made up according to our naming
򐂰 SANPortID is the HBA ObjectID of the server that is the target for the storage.
򐂰 StoragesubsystemID is the number for our FastT700.
򐂰 StorageVolumeID is the ObjectID of the storage request that completed in the
CreateStorageVolume step. In our case that was ‘11043’.
See the detail report in Figure 8-11 on page 203.
206 Exploring Storage Management Efficiencies and Provisioning
Next, click the Execute button just below the input fields to run this request. The
panel in Figure 8-14 is shown as the request is in progress.
Figure 8-14 MapVolumeToFA executing
Chapter 8. Case study 207
Once the command completes successfully, the next panel shown in Figure 8-15
has the check mark in the status field to indicate success.
Figure 8-15 MapVolumeToFA completed successfully
208 Exploring Storage Management Efficiencies and Provisioning
In order to see the report from this panel, click the icon to the right of the Status
field for the Parameter Details report. See Figure 8-16.
Figure 8-16 MapVolumeToFA parameter Detail report
This concludes the step-by-step execution of the individual workflow
Chapter 8. Case study 209
8.2.4 Complete workflow from the top
In this section we show you how we can string together workflows and pass
variables between sections to complete the process as a “one-stop provisioning
task”. We will concentrate on two of the steps from the prior example:
򐂰 CreateStorageVolume
򐂰 MapVolumeToFA
The following panel, Figure 8-17, shows the workflows available in the product.
Figure 8-17 Complete workflow - add workflow

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