Adams, Ansel 13
Adobe Lightroom 25
see also perspective; wide-angle lenses
aperture 46–7, 63, 69, 119, 121, 172
see also depth of field; f-stops
art, photography as 7, 14–15, 46–7, 63, 109, 130
asymmetry 54
see also off-centered subjects; symmetry
Auto mode 132
autofocus 107
available light 96
see also light/lighting
babies 79–80, 82, 85–6, 89, 111
backlight 48, 54, 84, 132, 172
balance 50–1, 113–15, 131, 134
see also white balance
“The Bean” (Kapoor) 17
Bizuru, Lillian 159
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