Product placement
Here's the code for the list of products:
// app/view/product/List.js Ext.define('Alcohology.view.product.List', { extend: 'Ext.Panel', controller: 'product', xtype: 'product-list', cls: 'product-list', viewModel: 'product', tbar: [ { xtype: 'combo', store: Ext.create('', { fields: ['text', 'field', 'direction'], data : [ { text: 'Date Added', property: 'id', direction: 'DESC' }, { text: 'Name A-Z', property: 'name', direction: 'ASC' }, { text: 'Name Z-A', property: 'name', direction: 'DESC' }, { text: 'Price ASC', property: 'price', direction: 'ASC' } ] }), displayField: 'text', queryMode: 'local', fieldLabel: 'Sort By', emptyText: 'None', editable: false } ], items: [ { xtype: 'dataview', itemId: 'productListView', ...
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