Now it's time to see how to use ADO to perform one of the most common tasks—opening recordsets.

Opening a Simple Recordset

To open a recordset, you will first create a connection object off the current project, and then specify a new ADO recordset object:

Sub OpenRecordsetWithGetStringDisplayExample()

        Dim cnnLocal     As New ADODB.Connection
        Dim rstCurr     As New ADODB.Recordset

        Set cnnLocal = CurrentProject.Connection

        rstCurr.Open "Select * from tblMovieTitles where ReleaseDate _
                                    = #02/01/99#", cnnLocal, _
                                    adOpenStatic, adOpenPessimistic

        Debug.Print rstCurr.GetString


End Sub

Although this code is very similar to DAO, in ADO you use the Recordset object's Open method rather than an OpenRecordset method. ...

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