Chapter 8

Having Private Conversations

In This Chapter

arrow Sending a message to friends and nonfriends

arrow Chatting with multiple friends

arrow Making video calls

arrow Using Facebook e-mail addresses

Communicating with your friends goes far beyond the timeline, where everyone can see your conversation. Private conversations on Facebook come in several forms. With Facebook’s messaging features, you can connect with friends by text chat (or instant messaging), by video calls, through private e-mail–like messages, and from your message inbox. You can even create chat conversations with groups of friends.

In this chapter, we cover all the aspects of private messaging on Facebook. We describe how to initiate messages or chats with your friends, as well as how to initiate video calls and group chats.

Introducing Facebook Messaging Options

The many options for communicating on Facebook give you a lot to think about. Fear not, for all Facebook messaging features are integrated seamlessly. First, we provide an overview of the types of message options, and then we explain how each works and how you can use ...

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