Chapter 3
Flying on Autopilot
In This Chapter
Automating your Facebook marketing
Scheduling posts to Facebook with third-party tools
Setting up notifications
Connecting a WordPress blog
With all the third-party tools designed to manage your social media activity, the Facebook developer API (Application Programming Interface) has opened the door to great efficiency and automation. Automation is most interesting to those who manage social media for marketing because in that field it’s important not to miss a beat. Marketing types should be on Facebook all the time to make sure they reach as many customers as possible. Because there's no way for that to happen, they need to turn to some Facebook productivity tools to make sure that they have the furthest reach without maintaining a nonstop connection.
Facebook’s API allows third-party sites and web services to help you make your Facebook activity more manageable. In this chapter, we explain some of the ways that you can make it easier to keep your business pages and personal timeline active without having to sacrifice all your time. ...
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