Basic Tips Every Page Owner Should Know
A chapter on Facebook Page customization wouldn't be complete without a few tips on how to make your page successful after you create it. Here are a few of my favorite tips and techniques:
- Post regularly! This is one of the most beneficial and easy techniques that you can use to keep fans engaged and interested in your page. Keep in mind that posts that have more likes and more comments are the ones that are more likely to appear in your fans' news streams, so you want to give them lots of content to catch their attention.
There is no magic number for this. Be sure to use Facebook Insights to determine at what point people stop interacting or liking your page if you end up posting too much or too little.
- Use SMS to your advantage. This is one of Facebook's best-kept secrets. Right now on any page or user profile, you can click a Subscribe via SMS link. What Facebook doesn't tell you is that you don't even have to visit to like a page. You can actually like a page through simple SMS or text messaging.
To like a page via text message, just have your customers send likeusername (so, like stay if it were my personal Facebook Page) to 32665 (which is FBOOK on a cell phone). After they do, they will automatically be subscribed to your page's updates, and updates will go straight to their cell phones after that!
This can be incredibly useful if you have a physical location such as a store. Be sure that you have a signup saying where ...
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