Getting and Setting Application Properties


I need to retrieve or set some of the properties about my application.


Use the Admin.getAppProperties() method to retrieve properties:

$targetProps = array('application_name','description');
$properties = $facebook->api_client->admin_getAppProperties($targetProps);

Use the Admin.setAppProperties() method to set properties:

$setProps = array('description' => 'My new description!');
$return = $facebook->api_client->admin_setAppProperties($setProps);


Admin.getAppProperties() returns an array, with each named element being one of the properties you requested. In addition to whatever you ask for, Facebook will always return your app’s canvasname, icon_url, and logo_url appended to the end of the returned array.

Admin.setAppPropoerties() will return a code indicating whether it worked. Confusingly, it returns true as the value 1 if it works, which coincides with error code 1, which signifies an unknown error (see Batching Calls). If you’re concerned it’s not working, you can do a check using Admin.getAppPropoerties():

$setProps = array('description' => 'This was set using the new
 Admin.setAppProperties() method!');
$return = $facebook->api_client->admin_setAppProperties($setProps);

$getProps = array('description');
$newDesc = $facebook->api_client->admin_getAppProperties($getProps);

if($newDesc['description'] == $setProps['description']){
    echo 'Success!';


These methods are currently marked as beta in the Developers Wiki, ...

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