Chapter 1: Customizing Your Page with Facebook Apps

In This Chapter

check.png Grasping the importance of Facebook apps

check.png Discovering Facebook-developed and other installed apps

check.png Using Appbistro and the Search box to find apps

check.png Adding and deleting apps

check.png Exploring ways to use apps for marketing

An app, or application, is how you can expand the way Facebook interacts with your audience. iPhones and other mobile phones have educated most people about what an app is. “There’s an app for that” has been a well-known phrase for years. Thousands of apps can be used on mobile phones, and developers have built hundreds of applications for use in Facebook.

We need to make a distinction between the apps we discuss in this chapter and the new “social,” or Open Graph, apps that have recently been introduced for your personal Profile (such as Spotify, Netflix, and Foodily).

If you need a true 101 introduction to apps and how apps work with your personal Facebook account, Book III, Chapter 2, provides that. The ...

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