Chapter 17. Ten Business Etiquette Tips for Facebook
As Facebook grows so do the surprising number of faux pas committed by individuals and companies alike. The occasional slip of the tongue, the odd photo, and of course everyone's favorite: the embarrassing tag in a note or video.
You can and must protect your brand's reputation on Facebook, as well as maintain the utmost respect for the Facebook community. The downside is steep; you can lose your Page, your profile, or both. Once you are banned from Facebook, it's hard to get back in and by that time the audience that you worked so hard to build is gone. Therefore, it's a good idea to listen to the tips and warnings we outline in this chapter.
Don't Forget Birthday Greetings
With the power of Facebook, you can never forget a birthday of any of your friends. Then why not make it a point each day to see if fans of your Page are having a birthday? For sure, you should send them a birthday wish. You might even want to send them a virtual gift. And if that isn't enough, perhaps you want to offer them something unique that only you can provide for their birthday. For example, fans might be open to getting a happy birthday greeting from a local restaurant with an offer to come in that week for a free dessert or free drink.
The power of this platform is there — and surprisingly few Pages take advantage of this.
Don't Drink and Facebook
This should go without saying, but sometimes (at least) our ability to communicate is impaired by drinking. ...
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