Chapter 2

Introducing the mbed

Chapter Outline

2.1 Introducing the mbed

2.1.1 The mbed Architecture

2.1.2 The LPC1768 Microcontroller

2.2 Getting Started with the mbed: A Tutorial

Step 1. Connecting the mbed to the PC

Step 2. Creating an mbed Account

Step 3. Running a Program

Step 4. Compiling the Program

Step 5. Downloading the Program Binary Code

Step 6. Modifying the Program Code

2.3 The Development Environment

2.3.1 The mbed Compiler and API

2.3.2 Using C/C++

Chapter Review



2.1 Introducing the mbed

Chapter 1 reviewed some of the core features of computers, microprocessors and microcontrollers. Now we are going to apply that knowledge and enter the main material of this book, a study of the ARM mbed.

In very broad terms, ...

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