Faster Smarter Beginning Programming

Book description

Cut to the chase—for faster, smarter ways to start programming now!

Now you can write your own programs with Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET—faster, smarter and better. Dive in—this friendly, high-energy guide makes it easy to learn exactly what you need. Use the numbered steps, code listings, and expert tips to accelerate your programming productivity—and move on to doing the cool things you want to do!

Table of contents

  1. Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
    1. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
    2. Dedication
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. Introduction
      1. This Book Could Be for You
      2. System Requirements
      3. Support
    5. 1. Introducing Basic Concepts
      1. How Program Code and Data Occupy Memory
      2. Appreciating Data Types
      3. High-Level Languages
      4. The Concept of Layered Software
      5. Structured Programming Constructs
      6. Top-Down Design
      7. Subroutines and Functions
      8. Processing Events
      9. Classes and Objects
      10. Key Points
    6. 2. Introducing Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
      1. Preparing Your System
        1. Preparing for .NET Windows Applications
        2. Preparing for .NET Web Applications
        3. Sizing Your Computer
      2. Obtaining Visual Basic .NET
      3. Installing Visual Basic .NET
      4. Easing into Visual Basic .NET
      5. Manipulating Visual Studio Windows
      6. Help, More Help, and Beyond Help
      7. Understanding Visual Basic .NET Syntax
      8. Writing and Running Your First Program
      9. Key Points
    7. 3. Using Elementary Statements
      1. Using Data Types
      2. Using Literals
      3. Using Variables
      4. Using Constants
      5. Option Explicit and Option Strict
      6. Working with Arrays
      7. Scoping Out Variables
      8. Writing Decision Statements
      9. Writing Loops
        1. Coding Loops with Do…Loop Statements
        2. Coding Loops with For…Next Statements
        3. Coding Loops with While…End While Statements
      10. Example: Writing a Tape Calculator
      11. Key Points
    8. 4. Using Operators and Expressions
      1. Introducing Operators
      2. Forming Expressions
      3. Using Arithmetic Operators
        1. Converting Numeric Types
      4. Using Assignment Operators
        1. Using Compound Operators
        2. Understanding Type Conversion
        3. Assigning Reference Variables
      5. Using Comparison Operators
        1. Comparing Numbers
        2. Comparing Strings
        3. Using the Like Operator
      6. Getting It Together with Concatenation Operators
      7. Using Logical Operators
        1. Using Short-Circuited Operators
      8. Using Bitwise Operators
      9. Using Miscellaneous Operators
      10. Testing Operators and Expressions
      11. Key Points
    9. 5. Using Functions and Subroutines
      1. Introducing Functions and Subroutines
      2. Coding Your Own Functions and Subroutines
      3. Declaring Arguments
      4. Passing Arguments by Value
      5. Passing Arguments by Reference
      6. Sidestepping Arguments
      7. Specifying Return Values
      8. Exiting Functions and Subroutines
      9. Functions, Subroutines, Variables, and Scope
      10. Designing Functions and Subroutines Effectively
      11. Example: Writing a Four-Function Calculator
      12. Key Points
    10. 6. Using Built-In Functions
      1. Finding Built-In Functions
      2. Using Type Conversion Functions
      3. Logical Functions
      4. Manipulating Dates
      5. Manipulating Strings
      6. Using Array Functions
      7. Generating Random Numbers
      8. Example: Shuffling Cards
        1. Initialize the Deck
        2. Shuffle the Cards
      9. Key Points
    11. 7. Creating Classes and Objects
      1. The Deal with Objects
        1. A Touch of Class
        2. Scrupulous Methods
        3. Desirable Properties
        4. Matters of Scope
        5. Creating Objects from Classes
      2. Example 1: Shuffling with Class
      3. Construction and Destruction
      4. Using Property Procedures
      5. Using Structures
      6. Trying Times and Exceptional Results
      7. Example 2: Shuffling with Property Procedures
        1. Form1.vb
        2. Deck.vb
      8. Key Points
    12. 8. Using Classes, Modules, and Forms
      1. Using .NET Framework Classes
        1. Finding .NET Methods and Classes
        2. Referencing Namespaces
        3. Importing Namespaces
      2. Making the Most of Objects and Classes
        1. Inheritance (and Not from Uncle Otto)
        2. Overloading and Polymorphism
        3. Events (i.e., Getting a Raise)
          1. Raising Events
          2. Handling Events
          3. Wiring Event Handlers Declaratively
          4. Wiring Event Handlers Dynamically
      3. Using Forms
      4. Using Modules
      5. Example: Dealing Cards
        1. Creating the Main Form
        2. Displaying the Player Forms
        3. Moving the Player Forms
        4. Declaring a Deck of Cards
        5. Dealing the Cards
        6. Ending the Game
        7. Playing a Card
          1. Form1.vb
          2. Player.vb
      6. Key Points
    13. 9. Designing and Using Windows Forms
      1. Designing User Interfaces
      2. Setting Form and Control Properties
      3. Using Message Boxes
      4. Finding and Creating Icons
      5. Example: Creating a Picture Viewer
        1. Creating the Picture Viewer Form
        2. Creating the Picture Viewer Icons
        3. Configuring the Form and Toolbar Icons
        4. Specifying Assembly Information
        5. Responding to File Exit and Help About Events
        6. Displaying a Picture File
        7. Copying a Picture to the Clipboard
        8. Displaying a Picture from the Clipboard
        9. Making the Toolbar Buttons Work
      6. Key Points
    14. 10. Interacting with Windows Form Controls
      1. Form Control Categories
      2. Adding and Arranging Form Controls
      3. Working with Control Properties
        1. Achieving Positions of Control
        2. Oohs, Ahs, and Size
        3. Amazing Disappearing Form Control Tricks
        4. Tabs, Tab Orders, and TabIndex (But No Tab Dancing)
      4. Working With Text Boxes, Check Boxes, and Radio Buttons
      5. Working with List Boxes
        1. Coping with Single-Selection List Boxes
        2. Coping with Multiple-Selection ListBoxes
        3. Adding and Removing ListBox Entries From Code
      6. Responding to Windows Form Control Events
        1. Staging Keyboard Events
        2. Snapshotting Focus Events
        3. Listening for Click Events
        4. Reacting to Mouse Events
      7. Example: Reporting Crocodiles
        1. Creating the Crocodile Form
        2. Validating the Input Fields
        3. Writing the Output Record
      8. Key Points
    15. 11. Accessing Databases
      1. SQL Concepts and Syntax
        1. Retrieving Data with the SELECT Statement
        2. Coding the SELECT Clause
        3. Coding the FROM Clause
        4. Coding the WHERE Clause
        5. Coding the GROUP BY Clause
        6. Coding the HAVING Clause
        7. Coding the ORDER BY Clause
        8. Adding Data with the INSERT Statement
        9. Changing Data with the UPDATE Statement
        10. Removing Data with the DELETE Statement
      2. Introducing ADO.NET
        1. Opening and Closing ADO.NET Connections
        2. Using Command Objects
        3. Using Data Readers
        4. Using the DataAdapter, DataSet, and DataTable Objects
      3. Displaying and Updating a Database
      4. Key Points
    16. 12. Programming Web Forms
      1. Introducing the Web
      2. Creating Web Projects
      3. Examining a New ASP.NET Web Application
      4. Designing Web Forms
      5. The Life Cycle of an ASP.NET Page
      6. Adding Controls to a Web Form
        1. Using HTML Server Controls
        2. Using Web Server Controls
      7. Responding to Web Form Events
      8. Exchanging Data with the Web Visitor
      9. Testing Your Web Project
      10. Example: Date Evaluator
        1. Creating a Visual Web Page Design
        2. Add the Code Behind the Date Evaluator Web Page
      11. Key Points
      12. For…Next
    17. A. About the Author
    18. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly

Product information

  • Title: Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
  • Author(s): Jim Buyens
  • Release date: November 2002
  • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
  • ISBN: 9780735617803