


<fb:editor action="...">...</fb:editor>

Renders a special Facebook-formatted form with two columns. This is a great way to render a form that matches the standard Facebook look and feel. For more complex operations for a form, I strongly suggest you just use a standard HTML <form/> tag. See also the following tags elsewhere in this chapter:

  • <fb:editor-button/>

  • <fb:editor-buttonset/>

  • <fb:editor-cancel/>

  • <fb:editor-custom/>

  • <fb:editor-date/>

  • <fb:editor-divider/>

  • <fb:editor-month/>

  • <fb:editor-text/>

  • <fb:editor-textarea/>

  • <fb:editor-time/>

FBML-Specific Attributes


action=[string] default: none

The location to send the form to. Note that all <fb:editor/> forms are sent via the POST form method, so be sure you authenticate properly with that in mind!


width=[int] default: none

The width of the form as a whole. (The form renders a table—this is the table’s width.)

labelwidth=[int] default: none

The width of the labels in the form (the left column). The right column will adjust based on the width value of <fb:editor/>.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for a form using <fb:editor/>:

<fb:editor action=""> <fb:editor-custom> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="editor" /> <input type="hidden" name="submit" value="true" /> </fb:editor-custom> <fb:editor-text label="Your Name" name="name" value=""/> <fb:editor-textarea label="Your Address" name="address" value=""/> <fb:editor-date label="Your Birthday" name="birthday"/> <fb:editor-month ...

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