(a) Original image (b) Edge image (c) Valley image (d) Peak image
Figure 6.2 Energy fields over whole face image (Benn, 1999)
processing speed achieved via optical interconnect, but computers like that are not ready yet
(on our budgets at least). We can reduce the number of combinations by introducing constraints
on the relative size and position of the shapes, e.g. the circle should lie wholly within the
parabolas, but this will not reduce the number of combinations much. We can seek two alter-
natives: one is to use optimization techniques. The original approach (Yuille, 1991) favoured
the use of gradient descent techniques; currently, the genetic algorithm approach (Goldberg,
1988) seems to be most favoured and this has been shown to good effect for deformable
template eye extraction on a database of 1000 faces (Benn, 1999) (this is the source of the
images shown here). The alternative is to seek a different technique that uses fewer param-
eters. This is where we move to snakes, which are a much more popular approach. These
snakes evolve a set of points (a contour) to match the image data, rather than evolving
a shape.
6.3 Active contours (snakes)
6.3.1 Basics
Active contours or snakes (Kass et al., 1988) are a completely different approach to feature
extraction. An active contour is a set of points that aims to enclose a target feature, the feature
to be extracted. It is a bit like using a balloon to ‘find’ a shape: the balloon is placed outside
the shape, enclosing it. Then by taking air out of the balloon, making it smaller, the shape is
found when the balloon stops shrinking, when it fits the target shape. By this manner, active
contours arrange a set of points so as to describe a target feature, by enclosing it. Snakes are
quite recent compared with many computer vision techniques and their original formulation
was as an interactive extraction process, although they are now usually deployed for automatic
feature extraction.
An initial contour is placed outside the target feature, and is then evolved so as to enclose
it. The process is illustrated in Figure 6.3, where the target feature is the perimeter of the iris.
First, an initial contour is placed outside the iris (Figure 6.3a). The contour is then minimized
to find a new contour which shrinks so as to be closer to the iris (Figure 6.3b). After seven
iterations, the contour points can be seen to match the iris perimeter well (Figure 6.3d).
244 Feature Extraction and Image Processing

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