Federal IT Capital Planning and Investment Control (with CD)

Book description

Reduce risk and improve the overall performance of IT assets!

Federal IT Capital Planning and Investment Control is the first book to provide a comprehensive look at the IT capital planning and investment control (CPIC) process. Written from a practitioner's perspective, this book covers a range of topics designed to provide both strategic and operational perspectives on IT CPIC. From planning to evaluation, this valuable resource helps managers and analysts at all levels realize the full benefits of the CPIC process.
•Explore the full range of IT investment principles and practices
•Learn CPIC project management techniques including earned-value management, integrated baseline review, cost-benefit analysis, and risk-adjusted cost and schedule estimates
•Identify strategies to improve how your organization manages its IT portfolio and selects, controls, and evaluates investments
•Discover how to leverage scarce IT resources and align investments with program priorities
•Benefit from the in-depth coverage—excellent for the experienced as well as those new to the CPIC process

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. About the Authors
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Introduction: The Legislative Basis for Improved IT Management
    1. Federal CPIC Requirements
    2. The Clinger-Cohen Act
      1. Congressional Intent: Increased Efficiency
      2. Procurement
      3. Empowerment and Responsibilities
      4. Agency Responsibilities
      5. Chief Information Officer Responsibilities
      6. Other Provisions
    3. Implementing Clinger-Cohen: From Law to Regulation
      1. OMB Circular A-130
  9. Part I: Implementing CPIC and Integrating It with the Budget Process
    1. Chapter 1: Overview of Capital Planning and Investment Control
      1. Maximizing Return on Investment
      2. Roles and Responsibilities
        1. Agency Head
        2. Assistant Secretaries
        3. Senior Program Managers
        4. Chief Information Officer
        5. Chief Financial Officer
        6. Chief Acquisition Officer
        7. End-Users/Customers
        8. Agency Sponsor
        9. Investment Champion
        10. Investment Manager
      3. The CPIC Organizational Structure
        1. IT Investment Review Board
        2. CPIC Support Group
        3. Integrated Project Team
      4. Phases of the CPIC Process
        1. Planning Phase
        2. Selection Phase
        3. Control Phase
        4. Evaluation Phase
      5. CPIC Artifacts
      6. Implications of the CPIC Process
    2. Chapter 2: CPIC Planning and Selection Phases
      1. CPIC Planning Activities
        1. Updating the Enterprise Architecture and Setting IT Security and Privacy Priorities
        2. Analyzing the IT Portfolio
        3. Updating the IT Capital Plan
        4. Identifying New Investment Opportunities
        5. Preparing Supporting Information to Update IT Business Cases
        6. Collecting In-Use Asset Review Results
        7. Conducting Independent Baseline Reviews
      2. CPIC Selection Activities
        1. Preparing for the CPIC Selection Phase
        2. Analyzing New Investment Opportunities
        3. Selecting Investments for the Agency IT Portfolio
      3. Integrating CPIC and the Agency Budget Process
      4. CPIC as a Forum for IT Policy Issues
    3. Chapter 3: CPIC Control and Evaluation Phases
      1. CPIC Control Activities
        1. Earned-Value Management as Control Tool
        2. Preparing for ITIRB Control Reviews
        3. ITIRB Control Reviews
        4. Investment-Level Control Responsibilities
      2. CPIC Evaluation Activities
        1. Operational Analyses and Post-Implementation Reviews
      3. How Control and Evaluation Activities Relate to Planning and Selection Activities
  10. Part II: Positioning CPIC as a Global Agency Process
    1. Chapter 4: Strategically Positioning CPIC within the Organization
      1. The Importance of CPIC: A Mandate for Stewardship and Strategic Management
      2. Key Elements of an Effective CPIC Process
        1. Implement CPIC and Integrate It with the Budget Process
        2. Change the Agency’s Culture
        3. Create an Inventory
        4. Change the IT Culture
        5. Develop an Architecture
        6. Improve IT Asset Performance
        7. Improve IT Development Performance
        8. Manage Portfolio Performance
        9. Implications
      3. Improving the Existing CPIC Process
    2. Chapter 5: Integrating CPIC and Enterprise Architecture
      1. Agency Enterprise Architecture
      2. Integrating CPIC and the Enterprise Architecture
        1. Approaches to Integration
      3. Steps to Achieve Successful Integration
        1. Design the Integration Process
        2. Develop and Enforce EA Review Procedures
        3. Conduct CPIC-EA Integration Training
      4. Implications of the Federal Enterprise Architecture
    3. Chapter 6: IT Portfolio Analysis: Evaluation Techniques and Methods
      1. IT Portfolio Analysis Principles
      2. Portfolio Analysis Process and Methodology
        1. Methods for Analyzing the IT Portfolio
      3. Portfolio Analysis Criteria
        1. Cross-Portfolio Redundancy
        2. System-to-System Information Exchange
        3. Technological Compatibility
        4. Alignment with Agency Mission and Goals
        5. Functional Balance
        6. Risk Distribution
        7. Technological Maturity
        8. Alignment with E-Government Initiatives
        9. Other Considerations
      4. Communicating Portfolio Analysis Results
      5. Portfolio Analysis Tools
    4. Chapter 7: Operational Analysis and Post-Implementation Reviews
      1. What Is an Operational Analysis?
      2. Which Assets Should Be Reviewed?
      3. Who Should Be on the Operations Review Team?
      4. What Should Be Reviewed?
        1. Performance Assessment
        2. Cost Assessment
        3. Technology Assessment
        4. Security and Privacy Assessment
        5. Other Factors
      5. Future Scans
      6. Conducting an Operational Analysis
        1. Planning
        2. Data Collection
        3. Data Analysis
        4. Reporting
      7. Outcomes of an Operational Analysis
      8. Taking Action
      9. Post-Implementation Reviews
  11. Part III: Individual Investments: Maximizing ROI and Minimizing Risk
    1. Chapter 8: Communicating with a Business Case
      1. What Is a Business Case and Why Is It Important?
      2. Key Elements of an IT Business Case
      3. Writing an Effective Business Case
        1. Investment Summary and Justification
        2. Investment Spending Plan
        3. Asset Performance Information
        4. Alternatives Analysis
        5. Risk Analysis
        6. Project Performance Information
      4. How the ITIRB Uses Business Case Information
    2. Chapter 9: Alternatives Analysis
      1. Identifying and Selecting Alternatives
      2. The Federal Approach to IT Cost-Benefit Analysis
        1. Investment Benefits
        2. Investment Costs
        3. Other Cost-Benefit Considerations
      3. Presenting Alternatives Analysis Results
      4. Periodic Updates to the Alternatives Analysis
    3. Chapter 10: Identifying and Mitigating Project Risk
      1. Building Skyscrapers and Software
      2. Reasons for System Development Project Failures
        1. Early Project Risks
        2. Design and Technology Risks
        3. Project Management Risks
      3. Risk Management
        1. Defining Risk
        2. Defining Risk Management
        3. Identifying Risks
        4. Evaluating Risk
        5. Mitigation Strategies
      4. Risk Management throughout the Project Life Cycle
      5. Risk Management as a Paperwork Exercise
      6. Risk Management as a Key Element of Portfolio Management
    4. Chapter 11: Using Earned-Value Management to Control Cost and Schedule Variance
      1. What Is Earned-Value Management?
      2. The Relationship between EVM and CPIC
      3. Developing EVM Estimates
      4. EVM Calculations
      5. Other Considerations about EVM
      6. Reviewing and Challenging EVM Estimates and Reports
      7. Considerations in Modifying an EVM Baseline
      8. EVM as a Key CPIC Tool
    5. Chapter 12: Conducting an Independent or Integrated Baseline Review
      1. IBR Objectives
      2. Planning and Preparing for the IBR
      3. Identifying IBR Personnel and Resources
        1. Delineating Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations
        2. Preparing the IBR Project Plan
        3. Training and Preparing the IBR Team
      4. Announcing and Initiating the Review
      5. Conducting Fieldwork
        1. Examining Estimates
        2. Compiling Fieldwork Results
      6. Debriefing the IT Project Team, CPIC-SG, and ITIRB
        1. The IBR Report
        2. Follow-Up Activities
      7. Revising the Baseline
  12. Part IV: Realizing the Full Benefits of a CPIC Process
    1. Chapter 13: CPIC Special Topics
      1. Information Technology Infrastructure
        1. Scope and Scale
        2. CPIC Implications
        3. Infrastructure and the ITIRB
        4. Infrastructure and Business Cases
        5. Infrastructure, Enterprise Architecture, and Operational Analysis
        6. Infrastructure Innovation
      2. Security and Privacy
      3. Acquisition Management
      4. Incorporating These Key Issues
    2. Chapter 14: Measuring, Monitoring, and Evaluating Portfolio Performance
      1. Critical Success Factors
        1. Factor 1: The Right People with the Right Skills and the Right Attitude
        2. Factor 2: Centralized Control over IT Spending
        3. Factor 3: Fully Embracing Investment and Portfolio Management Principles
        4. Factor 4: IT People Who Sell Investments
        5. Factor 5: The Integrity of the CPIC Process
        6. Factor 6: A Strategic Enterprise Perspective
        7. Factor 7: Success Determined through Measurement
      2. Challenge Questions
      3. Conclusion
  13. Appendix: Legislative and Regulatory Requirements
    1. Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990
    2. OMB Circular A-94
    3. The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993
    4. Government Management Reform Act of 1994
    5. The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
    6. Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996
    7. Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 (Clinger-Cohen Act)
    8. OMB Memorandum M-97-02, “Funding Information Systems Investments”
    9. OMB Circular A-130
  14. Glossary
  15. Bibliography
  16. Index

Product information

  • Title: Federal IT Capital Planning and Investment Control (with CD)
  • Author(s): Thomas G. Kessler, Patricia A. Kelley
  • Release date: March 2008
  • Publisher(s): Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • ISBN: 9781523096046