Chapter 26. Integrating Fedora with Apple Macs
In This Chapter
Inside Mac OS X
Using Mac OS X network services
Accessing Samba servers
Accessing AppleTalk (netatalk) servers
Configuring an AppleTalk (netatalk) server in Linux
Installing Fedora on an Intel-based Mac to dual boot
In the old days (like, a couple of years ago), you had to make Linux look like a file and print server on an AppleTalk network in order to use a Linux server from an Apple Mac. While that is still true with an older Mac (OS 8 or 9), if you have a Mac with OS X, the whole world changes. That's because Mac OS X is a lot like Linux on the inside.
This chapter is for people who have (or want to have) Macs as their desktops and Linux as their servers. It covers a variety of server types that you can set up in Linux, then access from a Mac OS 8, OS 9, or OS X operating system. In particular:
For Mac desktop users — The chapter describes how users can access shared resources from their Linux servers.
For system administrators — The chapter explains how to set up an AppleTalk server in Linux using the netatalk software package. (Chapters 17 through 25 describe how to configure other types of native Linux servers that you can access from your Mac computers.)
The latest Mac computers moved to Intel-based architectures and a UNIX-like operating system a few years ago. So now Apple operating systems are like Linux on the inside and the computer hardware is like the PCs that Windows and a majority of Linux systems run on. Because ...
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