IntroductionControlling Your Destiny

DOI: 10.4324/9781003166368-1

A business plan always evolves.

ROB FRIEDMAN, FORMERCo-Chair Motion Picture Group. Lionsgate Entertainment

Why Should You Buy This Book?

The trouble with movies as a business is that it’s an art, And the trouble with movies as art, is that it’s a business.


You know that you need a business plan, right? You know that the investor wants a plan. What do you do next? What goes into this sucker?

  • First step: Step back and take a deep breath.
  • Second step: Think about both quotes. You need to take this piece of art and explain to an investor why it is good business.
  • Third step: Do not skip the rest of this introduction. Read all of it.

Here we go with ...

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