warning messages. See error/warning messages
WAVE format, 189, 558
Waveform Cache folder, 73
waveform editor, 399, 413
Waveform Monitor, 496
hiding/showing, 11, 299, 392
marking edit points in, 389
Web resources, xx, 456. See also Peachpit.com
Web video, 564
bring to front” option, 62
closing, 617
opening items in, 617
use of tabs in, 7
Wireframe mode
accessing, 252
adjusting clips center point using, 464
adjusting clips rotation angle in, 466
cropping clips in, 468
distorting clip’s shape in, 469
enabling, 461
green highlighting in, 461
manipulating motion properties in, 460
purpose of, 252, 440
scaling clips in, 465
wireframes, keyboard shortcuts for use with, 462
x, y coordinates, 459, 469
Xeon processor, 20
XML files, 203–204
XML interchange applications, 548, 576
XML utilities, 576
YCrCb color space, 50, 51, 430
Yellow (Proxy) status code, 532
You cannot set the In point...” message, 356
YouTube, 431, 551
YUV color space, 50, 51, 430
zebra striping, 254
Zoom control, 302
Zoom In/Out tools, 250, 251, 253, 290, 303
Zoom pop-up menu, 250, 252
Zoom selector, Viewer window, 229, 386
Zoom shortcuts, 303
Zoom slider, 295, 302, 304, 386, 388
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