P. Brown: Publications (to October 2011)
Author’s note: papers included in the anthology are marked by *[N], where N is the sequence number of the paper in the anthology (N = 1, …, 19).
I Books and Monographs
(with G. Foster and E. Noreen) Security analyst multi-year earnings forecasts and the capital market, Studies in Accounting Research #21, American Accounting Association, Sarasota, 1985.
(with R. Ball, F. Finn, and R. Officer) (eds) Sharemarkets and Portfolio Theory, University of Queensland Press, 1980 (2nd edn. 1989).
(with R. Mathews, chairman, and M. Jackson) Report of the Committee of Review of the Accounting Discipline in Higher Education (3 Volumes), AGPS, Canberra, September 1990.
(with G. Clinch and G. Foster) Market microstructure ...
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