Note: Definitions for these terms are provided in the glossary at the end of the text.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) (p. 25)
Annual interest (p. 13)
Annual reports (p. 20)
Assets (p. 11)
Audit committee (p. 23)
Auditor's report (p. 7)
Balance sheet (p. 11)
“Big 4” (p. 22)
Board of directors (p. 13)
Certified public accountant (CPA) (p. 6)
Common stock (p. 11)
Compensation contracts (p. 15)
Consolidated financial statements (p. 16)
Corporate governance (p. 15)
Creditors (p. 11)
Debt covenants (p. 19)
Debt investment (p. 13)
Debt restrictions (p. 13)
Dividends (p. 11)
Earning power (p. 12)
Economic consequence perspective (p. 4)
Equity (p. 13)
Ethics (p. 16)
Expenses (p. 11)
Financial accounting (p. 3)
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) (p. 20)
Financing activities (p. 11)
Footnotes (p. 10)
Form 10-K (p. 20)
Form 10-Q (p. 20)
Form 20-F (p. 20)
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) (p. 20)
Historical cost (p. 13)
Income statement (p. 11)
Independent audit (p. 6)
Industries (p. 16)
Internal control system (p. 8)
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) (p. 20)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (p. 20)
Investing activities (p. 11)
Legal liability (p. 16)
Liabilities (p. 11)
Loan contract (p. 13)
Management letter (p. 7)
Managerial accounting (p. 26)
Net income (profit or earnings) (p. 11)
Not-for-profit accounting (p. 26)
Operating activities (p. 11)
Professional reputation (p. 16)
Profit-seeking entities ...
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