The idea for this book was proposed to us by George Lobell, former acquisitions editor of Blackwell. George argued the need for a book that focused on the principles of financial economics, fully using the mathematical and statistical training that economics students now acquire, and at the same time assisting those students with the practicalities of applying their economics training. George was especially keen on providing the students both with unusual intellectual challenges and with exciting new research results. We have attempted to achieve those goals.

George handed the reins to Lacey Vitetta, the acquisitions editor at Wiley who guided us to the completion of this project. Along the way she obtained helpful comments from the following reviewers:

Turan G. Bali, Baruch College

Gerard Caprio, Williams College

Martin Cherkes, Columbia University

Ahmet Duran, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Brian Henderson, George Washington University

Thomas Jeitschko, Michigan State University

Alexander Koch, Royal Holloway, University of London

Lenny Kostovetsky, University of Rochester

Alex Michaelides, London School of Economics

Andrew Samwick, Dartmouth College

Emanuela Sciubba, Birkbeck University of London

Koray D. Simsek, Sabanci University, Turkey

Anne Villamil, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Brian Wright, The University of Nottingham, China

There are end-of-chapter questions for each chapter. For a good number of chapters, these questions were prepared ...

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