CHAPTER 1 Value of the Financial Expert in Litigation and Dispute Resolution


Before reading any further in this book, you must be able to answer this question: Why do I want to be a financial expert witness? For those of you who do not aspire to be a testifying expert witness, this is still the ultimate question as you will likely be supporting someone who will be serving as a financial expert witness. Serving as a financial expert witness, or as a consultant assisting one, is a stressful, challenging, and tough business.

The financial expert witness will be in the public eye, with his or her personal and professional life exposed for the world to see. Personal opinions will be used to assist a trier of fact to decide important disputes. In some cases, those decisions impact the survival of an enterprise, future rights, or the livelihood of others. Let’s not forget grueling deadlines, incomplete data sets, and irrational adversarial disputing parties.

The quality of the financial expert witness’s work product is paramount, as it will be critiqued by opposing experts and attorneys who will be dedicated to finding ways to exclude your opinions. If successful, it could adversely impact the financial expert’s ability to get engaged as an expert witness in the future, depending on the reasons the testimony was deemed inadmissible. The cherry on ...

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