The HP Way and the Xerox Worm
One of the things [Hewlett-Packard] learned is that closed architectures aren’t going to work, that you really have to depend on third-party suppliers.
–Nelson Mills, project manager, Hewlett-Packard
Osborne was among the last pioneers to open new territory before civilization arrived. After the Osborne 1 appeared in 1981, the big companies really did begin to enter and transform the market. Soon IBM, DEC, NEC, Xerox, AT&T, and even Exxon and Montgomery Ward were thinking about producing a personal computer. Some companies, like Hewlett-Packard, had started much earlier, though.
Project Capricorn
Hewlett-Packard hadn’t rejected Steve Wozniak’s Apple I design because it didn’t believe in the idea of a personal ...
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