Chapter 4. Principle 1: Establish and Deploy a CPM Office and Officer


The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

Principle 1: Establish and Deploy a CPM Office and Officer

In this chapter, we will explore Principle 1, Establish and Deploy a CPM Office and Officer, by studying numerous award-winning enterprises. The case studies range from public and private companies, governmental agencies, and nonprofit entities and are representative of more organizations studied but for sensible reasons were not included. These enterprises share many common behaviors, observe similar best practices, and have proven their ability to function at high levels. Nearly all case study enterprises have won one or more of these awards:

  • U.S. President’s National Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award

  • Governor’s Sterling Award for Excellence (based on Baldrige Criteria)

  • Deming Quality Award

  • American Quality and Productivity Center (APQC) Best Practice Partner Award

  • Drs. Kaplan and Norton Global Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame Award

  • Wall Street Journal Ranked “Top 20 Most Improved Company in Shareholder Value Creation”

  • Fortune “100 Best Companies to Work For”

  • Forbes Best Managed Companies

Principle 1 presents normative corporate performance management (CPM) office and officer terminology for ease of understanding; however, case study organizations may use variations that have enabled them to best meet their needs and fit ...

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