Appendix 2Reference Data




Standard Data Resolutions

The following figures are the industry accepted digital equivalents for various analogue formats, and the standard formats for several native digital formats. These are typically derived from the average resolving power of each format, as well as using a number that is easy for computers to work with (any number that is a power of two: 256, 2048, 4096, etc.)

Format Picture aspect ratio Standard pixel resolution Pixel aspect ratio
Apple iPod video 1.33 320 × 240 1.0
Apple iPhone video 1.5 480 × 320 1.0
Sony PlayStationPortable 1.76 480 × 272 1.0
SD video (PAL, DV) 1.33 720 × 576 1.067
SD video (NTSC, DV) 1.33 720 × 486 0.9
SD video (PAL, square pixels) 1.33 768 × 576 1.0

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