1.1 | The Growth in Market Size |
1.2 | The Growth in Derivatives Markets: Notional |
1.3 | The Feb. 2006, 9.375%, 20-Year Bond Price, Path |
1.4 | Schematic Repo Transaction |
1.5 | Reverse Repo Transaction |
1.6 | Short-Term Rates: 1991–2008 |
1.7 | Primary Dealers Fails to Deliver: 1990 to 2009 |
1.8 | A Swap Deal |
2.1 | Discount Factors |
2.2 | Expected Inflation |
2.3 | The Shapes of the Term Structure |
2.4 | The Term Structure of Interest Rates on Three Dates |
2.5 | The Term Structure over Time |
2.6 | The Term Structure of Interest Rates on Dec. 31, 1993 |
2.7 | The Fit of the Nelson Siegel Model |
3.1 | Zero Coupon Bond Yields & the Level of Interest Rates: 1965–2005 |
3.2 | First Derivative of a Zero Coupon Bond with Respect to Interest Rate r |
3.3 | Changes in the Level of Interest Rates: 1965–2005 |
3.4 | Performance Immunization Strategy in Simulations |
3.5 | Performance Fixed Investment Strategy in Simulations |
3.6 | The Level of Interest Rates, 1992–1994 |
3.7 | The Monthly Changes in the Average Level of Interest Rates |
3.8 | The Distribution of the Monthly P&L of the Orange County Portfolio |
4.1 | Zero Coupon Bond Prices versus Interest Rates |
4.2 | Bond Price Approximation with Duration |
4.3 | Second Derivative |
4.4 | Duration plus Convexity Approximation |
4.5 | Daily Changes in the Level of Interest Rates |
4.6 | Slope & Curvature of the Term Structure of Interest Rates: 1965–2005 |
4.7 | The Slope & Curvature of the Term Structure at Two Dates |
4.8 | The Shift Up in the Term Structure in April, ... |
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