5.8. Using 3D Models in Flash Not Originally Created in Swift 3D


You want to use previously created 3D models in Flash that were not created in Swift 3D.


Take advantage of Swift’s capability to import common 3D file formats.


Swift 3D can import 3DS (3D Studio) and DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) files, which are both standard file formats for exchanging data between 3D applications. Because the majority of 3D modeling and CAD programs can export to one or both of these formats, the available resource for models is exhaustive. A quick online search will return links to numerous model repositories, both free and commercial. In fact, the sheer volume of model materials available means that you could complete a project without doing any modeling on your own, if you are so inclined. A few excellent online resources for 3D models compatible with Swift 3D include:

The support for these formats can be particularly useful when working with clients whose products are intended for online, interactive display. Many manufactured goods have had a 3D model created at some point in the stages of product design and development. Thus it is often possible to obtain model data directly from the manufacturer, which not only assures accuracy in representation, but can also save valuable modeling time in the case of complex objects.

Working with each format is different from working with the others. Not only are they ...

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