Flash Builder @ Work: Your First Information-Rich Application

Book description

Build your first Flex application! Discover MXML as a great markup language to quickly create a working app. Get acquainted with the Flash Builder IDE, then get your hands dirty with some Flex basics, a few components and some data service features in Flash Builder to build an application that will load and display data from RSS.
Your First Information-Rich Application is the first of five articles that will be compiled in the book, Data Visualization with Flash Builder: Designing RIA and AIR Applications with Remote Data Sources. Each full-color article illustrates specific aspects of Flash Builder data visualization with techniques to employ them. The book, Data Visualization with Flash Builder, features exclusive material in the form of a related real-world tutorial project to go alongside each article. This article is equivalent to 55 print pages.

Product information

  • Title: Flash Builder @ Work: Your First Information-Rich Application
  • Author(s): Cesare Rocchi
  • Release date: October 2012
  • Publisher(s): Focal Press
  • ISBN: 9781136022012