Flash CS3: The Missing Manual

Book description

Flash CS3 is the premier tool for creating web animations and interactive web sites, can be intimidating to learn. This entertaining reference tutorial provides a reader-friendly animation primer and a guided tour of all the program's tools and capabilities. Beginners will learn to use the software in no time, and experienced users will quickly take their skills to the next level. The book gives Flash users of all levels hands-on instructions to help them master:

  • Special effects
  • Morphing
  • Adding audio and video
  • Introducing interactivity
  • And much more
With Flash CS3: The Missing Manual you'll be able to turn an idea into a Flash animation, tutorial, or movie. This book will help you create online tutorials, training materials and full-blown presentations. It also teaches design principles throughout and helps you avoid elements that can distract or annoy an audience.

This is the first new release of Flash since Adobe bought Macromedia, which means that it's the first version that will integrate easily with other Adobe products. It's a whole new ballgame when it comes to Flash, and Flash CS3: The Missing Manual offers you complete and objective coverage. It's the perfect companion to this powerful software.

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Table of contents

  1. Flash CS3: The Missing Manual
    1. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
    2. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
    3. The Missing Credits
      1. About the Authors
      2. About the Creative Team
      3. Acknowledgements
      4. The Missing Manual Series
    4. Introduction
      1. Flash CS3 Professional for Everyone
      2. What's New in Flash CS3
      3. Anatomy of an Animation
      4. Flash in a Nutshell
      5. The Very Basics
      6. Macintosh and Windows
      7. About This Book
      8. About the Outline
      9. About → These → Arrows
      10. Flash Examples
      11. About MissingManuals.com
      12. Safari® Enabled
    5. I. Creating a Flash Animation
      1. 1. Getting Around Flash
        1. 1.1. Starting Flash
        2. 1.2. A Tour of the Flash Desktop
          1. 1.2.1. Menu Bar
          2. 1.2.2. The Stage
        3. 1.3. Toolbars
        4. 1.4. Panels
          1. 1.4.1. Tools Panel
            1. Selection and Drawing tools
            2. View tools
            3. Color tools
            4. Options tools
          2. 1.4.2. Accessibility Panel
          3. 1.4.3. Actions Panel/ActionScript Debugger Panel
          4. 1.4.4. Align Panel
          5. 1.4.5. Behaviors Panel
          6. 1.4.6. Color Mixer Panel/Color Swatches Panel
          7. 1.4.7. Common Libraries
          8. 1.4.8. Components Panel/Component Inspector Panel
          9. 1.4.9. History Panel
          10. 1.4.10. Info Panel
          11. 1.4.11. Library Panel
          12. 1.4.12. Movie Explorer Panel
          13. 1.4.13. Output Panel
          14. 1.4.14. Properties Panel/Filters Panel/Parameters Panel
          15. 1.4.15. Scene Panel
          16. 1.4.16. Transform Panel
        5. 1.5. The Timeline
        6. 1.6. The Flash CS3 Test Drive
        7. 1.7. Opening a Flash File
          1. 1.7.1. Exploring the Property Inspector
          2. 1.7.2. Resizing the Stage
          3. 1.7.3. Zooming In and Out
          4. 1.7.4. Playing an Animation
          5. 1.7.5. Saving a File
      2. 2. Creating Simple Drawings
        1. 2.1. Planning Pays Off
          1. 2.1.1. Creating a Storyboard
          2. 2.1.2. Five Questions for a Better Result
        2. 2.2. Preparing to Draw
          1. 2.2.1. Customizing Your Stage
            1. Change the size of the Stage
            2. Setting the background color
            3. Add helpful measurement guides
          2. 2.2.2. Choosing a Drawing Mode
            1. When to use merge drawing mode
            2. When to use object drawing mode
          3. 2.2.3. Selecting Objects on the Stage
            1. Selection tool
            2. Subselection tool
            3. Lasso tool
          4. 2.2.4. Essential Drawing Terms
        3. 2.3. Creating Original Artwork
          1. 2.3.1. Drawing and Painting with Tools
            1. Line tool
            2. Pencil tool
            3. Pen tool
            4. Brush tool
            5. Shape tools: Oval, Rectangle, and PolyStar
          2. 2.3.2. Aligning Objects with the Align Tools
          3. 2.3.3. Erasing Mistakes with the Erase Tool
            1. Configuring the Eraser
            2. Cutting out an Irregular Shape from another Object
        4. 2.4. Copying and Pasting Drawn Objects
        5. 2.5. Adding Color
          1. 2.5.1. Changing the Color of a Stroke (Line)
            1. Coloring strokes with the Property Inspector
            2. Coloring strokes with the Ink Bottle tool
          2. 2.5.2. Changing the Color of a Fill
            1. Coloring fills with the Property Inspector
            2. Coloring fills with the Paint Bucket tool
      3. 3. Animating Your Drawings
        1. 3.1. Frame-by-Frame Animation
          1. 3.1.1. Frames and Keyframes
          2. 3.1.2. Creating a Frame-by-Frame Animation
          3. 3.1.3. Testing Your Frame-by-Frame Animation
          4. 3.1.4. Editing Your Frame-by-Frame Animation
            1. Selecting frames and keyframes
            2. Inserting and deleting keyframes and frames
        2. 3.2. Adding Layers to Your Animation
          1. 3.2.1. Creating Layers
        3. 3.3. Animating Automatically (Tweening)
          1. 3.3.1. Shape Tweening (Morphing)
          2. 3.3.2. Shape Hints
          3. 3.3.3. Motion Tweening
            1. Motion guide layers (moving along a nonstraight path)
            2. Orient to path
    6. II. Advanced Drawing and Animation
      1. 4. Organizing Frames and Layers
        1. 4.1. Working with Frames
          1. 4.1.1. Copying and Pasting Frames
          2. 4.1.2. Moving Frames (Keyframes)
          3. 4.1.3. Editing Multiple Frames
        2. 4.2. Adding Content to Multiple Layers
        3. 4.3. Viewing Layers
          1. 4.3.1. Showing and Hiding Layers
            1. To hide a layer
            2. To show a layer
            3. To hide (or show) all layers except the one you're currently editing
        4. 4.4. Working with Layers
          1. 4.4.1. Renaming Layers
          2. 4.4.2. Copy and Paste a Layer
          3. 4.4.3. Reordering (Moving) Layers
          4. 4.4.4. Delete a Layer
          5. 4.4.5. Locking and Unlocking Layers
        5. 4.5. Organizing Layers
          1. 4.5.1. Outline View
          2. 4.5.2. Organizing Your Layers with Layer Folders
            1. Creating layer folders
            2. Deleting a layer folder
      2. 5. Advanced Drawing and Coloring
        1. 5.1. Selecting Graphic Elements
          1. 5.1.1. The Selection Tool
            1. Selecting a graphic element
            2. Selecting part of a graphic element
            3. Moving and reshaping (transforming) with the Selection tool
          2. 5.1.2. The Subselection Tool
          3. 5.1.3. The Lasso Tool
            1. Freehand selecting with the Lasso
            2. Pointing and clicking with the Lasso
            3. Selecting ranges of color in bitmaps with the Magic Wand
        2. 5.2. Manipulating Graphic Elements
          1. 5.2.1. Modifying Object Properties
          2. 5.2.2. Moving, Cutting, Pasting, and Copying
            1. Moving
            2. Cutting
            3. Copying
            4. Pasting
          3. 5.2.3. Transforming Objects (Scaling, Rotating, Skewing, Distorting)
            1. Scaling objects
            2. Rotating objects
            3. Skewing objects
            4. Distorting objects
            5. Applying an envelope transform
          4. 5.2.4. Stacking Objects
          5. 5.2.5. Converting Strokes to Fills
          6. 5.2.6. Aligning Objects
            1. Snapping
            2. Guide layers
        3. 5.3. Adding Text to Your Drawing
        4. 5.4. Advanced Color and Fills
          1. 5.4.1. Color Basics
          2. 5.4.2. RGB and HSB
        5. 5.5. Creating Custom Colors
        6. 5.6. Saving Color Swatches
          1. 5.6.1. Using an Image as a Fill "Color"
          2. 5.6.2. Applying a Gradient
        7. 5.7. Importing a Custom Color Palette
        8. 5.8. Copying Color with the Eyedropper
      3. 6. Adding Special Effects
        1. 6.1. Built-in Timeline Effects
          1. 6.1.1. Distributed Duplicate (Tumbling)
          2. 6.1.2. Blur
          3. 6.1.3. Expand
          4. 6.1.4. Explode
          5. 6.1.5. Transform (Shape Tween)
          6. 6.1.6. Transition (Fade/Wipe)
          7. 6.1.7. Modifying a Timeline Effect
          8. 6.1.8. Deleting a Timeline Effect
        2. 6.2. Spotlight Effect Using Mask Layers
          1. 6.2.1. Adding a Motion Path to a Mask
      4. 7. Reusable Flash: Symbols and Templates
        1. 7.1. Symbols and Instances
          1. 7.1.1. Graphic Symbols
            1. Converting an existing image to a graphic symbol
            2. Creating a graphic symbol in symbol editing mode
            3. Using a graphic symbol (creating an instance of a graphic symbol)
            4. Editing an instance of a graphic symbol
            5. Editing a graphic symbol
            6. Deleting a graphic symbol
          2. 7.1.2. Multiframe Graphic Symbols
            1. Creating a multiframe graphic symbol
            2. Creating an instance of a multiframe graphic symbol
            3. Editing an instance of a multiframe graphic symbol
            4. Editing a multiframe graphic symbol
            5. Deleting a multiframe graphic symbol
          3. 7.1.3. Movie Clip Symbols
            1. Creating a movie clip symbol
            2. Creating an instance of a movie clip symbol
            3. Editing a movie clip symbol
            4. Editing an instance of a movie clip symbol
          4. 7.1.4. Button Symbols
            1. Creating a button symbol
            2. Using a button symbol (creating an instance of a button symbol)
            3. Editing an instance of a button symbol
            4. Editing a button symbol
        2. 7.2. Templates
          1. 7.2.1. Using a Prebuilt Template
          2. 7.2.2. Creating and Using Your Own Custom Template
      5. 8. Incorporating Non-Flash Media Files
        1. 8.1. Incorporating Graphics
          1. 8.1.1. Importing Illustrator Graphics Files
          2. 8.1.2. Importing Photoshop Graphic Files
            1. Import options for bitmaps
            2. Import options for text
            3. Other Photoshop import options
          3. 8.1.3. Editing Bitmaps
            1. Turning bitmaps into fills
            2. Turning bitmaps into vectors
            3. Turning bitmaps into symbols
          4. 8.1.4. Importing a Series of Graphics Files
        2. 8.2. Incorporating Sound
          1. 8.2.1. Importing Sound Files
          2. 8.2.2. Adding an Imported Sound to a Frame (or Series of Frames)
          3. 8.2.3. Editing Sound Clips in Flash
        3. 8.3. Incorporating Video
          1. 8.3.1. Preparing to Import Video Files
          2. 8.3.2. Importing Video Files
            1. Importing a Flash video file stored on a Web server (progressive download)
            2. Importing a QuickTime file stored on your computer (embedding)
          3. 8.3.3. Editing Embedded Video
            1. Split a video clip
            2. Customize video and audio encoding
            3. Adding cue points to video
            4. Crop video display
            5. Resizing your video
    7. III. Adding Interactivity
      1. 9. Automating Flash with ActionScript
        1. 9.1. How ActionScript Works
        2. 9.2. Adding an Action
        3. 9.3. Adding a Prebuilt Behavior
      2. 10. Controlling Animation
        1. 10.1. Slowing Down (or Speeding Up) Animation
          1. 10.1.1. Setting a Frame Rate
        2. 10.2. Organizing an Animation
          1. 10.2.1. Working with Scenes
            1. Creating a scene
            2. Renaming a scene
            3. Reorganizing scenes
            4. Scripting (targeting) a scene
          2. 10.2.2. Working with Labeled Frames
            1. Labeling a frame
            2. Targeting a labeled frame
        3. 10.3. Looping a Series of Frames
        4. 10.4. Reversing a Series of Frames
          1. 10.4.1. Using Modify → Timeline → Reverse Frames
          2. 10.4.2. Using ActionScript
      3. 11. Interacting with Your Audience
        1. 11.1. Dynamic Text
        2. 11.2. Input Text
        3. 11.3. Tying Actions to Events
          1. 11.3.1. Triggering an Event When Your Audience Clicks a Button
          2. 11.3.2. Creating Hotspots and Rollovers
          3. 11.3.3. Tying an Event to a Component
      4. 12. Components for Interactivity
        1. 12.1. The Built-in Components
          1. 12.1.1. Data Components
          2. 12.1.2. Media and Video Components
          3. 12.1.3. User Interface Components
            1. Accordion
            2. Alert
            3. Button
            4. Checkbox
            5. ComboBox
            6. DataGrid
            7. DateChooser
            8. DateField
            9. Label
            10. List
            11. Loader
            12. Menu
            13. MenuBar
            14. NumericStepper
            15. ProgressBar
            16. RadioButton
            17. ScrollPane
            18. TextArea
            19. TextInput
            20. Tree
            21. UIScrollBar
            22. Window
        2. 12.2. Adding Components
        3. 12.3. Customizing Components
          1. 12.3.1. Customizing Components Using the Properties and Parameters Panels
          2. 12.3.2. Customizing Components Using the Component Inspector
            1. Parameters tab
            2. Bindings tab
            3. Schema tab
          3. 12.3.3. Customizing Components Using the Actions Panel
        4. 12.4. Finding Additional Components
    8. IV. Delivering Your Animation to Its Audience
      1. 13. Testing and Debugging
        1. 13.1. Testing Strategies
          1. 13.1.1. Planning Ahead
            1. Separate potentially troublesome elements
            2. Reuse as much as possible
            3. Be generous with comments
            4. Stick with consistent names
          2. 13.1.2. Techniques for Better Testing
        2. 13.2. Testing on the Stage
        3. 13.3. Testing in Flash Player
        4. 13.4. Testing Inside a Web Page
        5. 13.5. Testing Download Time
          1. 13.5.1. Simulating Downloads
            1. Pinpointing bottlenecks with a bandwidth profiler report
        6. 13.6. The Art of Debugging
          1. 13.6.1. Using the trace( ) Statement
          2. 13.6.2. Displaying Property Names and Values
          3. 13.6.3. Setting and Using Breakpoints
      2. 14. Publishing and Exporting
        1. 14.1. Optimizing Flash Documents
          1. 14.1.1. Ten Optimization Strategies
            1. Choose tweens over frame-by-frame animations
            2. Choose the Pencil tool over the Brush tool
            3. Choose solid over dashed or dotted lines
            4. Simplify curves
            5. Use symbols
            6. Avoid bitmaps (or optimize them)
            7. Keep sound clips to a minimum; when you do use them, optimize them.
            8. Group elements
            9. Avoid the extraneous
            10. Tell Flash to keep your file size down
        2. 14.2. Publishing Your Animations
          1. 14.2.1. Publishing as a Compiled Flash (.swf) File
          2. 14.2.2. Publishing as a Web Page
          3. 14.2.3. Publishing a Frame as a Static Image File
            1. Publishing a static GIF
            2. Publishing a JPEG
            3. Publishing a PNG
          4. 14.2.4. Publishing as an Animated GIF
          5. 14.2.5. Publishing as a Standalone Projector
        3. 14.3. Exporting Flash to Other Formats
          1. 14.3.1. Exporting the Contents of a Single Frame
          2. 14.3.2. Exporting an Entire Animation
    9. V. appendixes
      1. A. Installation and Help
        1. .1. Installing and Activating Flash CS3
        2. .2. Getting Help from Flash
          1. .2.1. Flash Documentation: The Help Window
          2. .2.2. Flash Video Workshop Tutorials
        3. .3. Getting Help from Adobe
          1. .3.1. Online Articles, FAQs, and Sample Code
          2. .3.2. Forums
          3. .3.3. Direct Person-to-Person Help
        4. .4. Finding Flash Gurus
      2. B. Flash CS3, Menu by Menu
        1. B.1. File
          1. B.1.1. New
          2. B.1.2. Open
          3. B.1.3. Browse
          4. B.1.4. Open from Site
          5. B.1.5. Open Recent
          6. B.1.6. Close
          7. B.1.7. Close All
          8. B.1.8. Save
          9. B.1.9. Save and Compact
          10. B.1.10. Save As
          11. B.1.11. Save as Template
          12. B.1.12. Check In
          13. B.1.13. Save All
          14. B.1.14. Revert
          15. B.1.15. Import
          16. B.1.16. Export
          17. B.1.17. Publish Settings
          18. B.1.18. Publish Preview
          19. B.1.19. Publish
          20. B.1.20. Page Setup
          21. B.1.21. Print Margins (Mac only)
          22. B.1.22. Print
          23. B.1.23. Send (Windows only)
          24. B.1.24. Edit Sites
          25. B.1.25. Exit (Mac: Flash → Quit)
        2. B.2. Edit
          1. B.2.1. Undo
          2. B.2.2. Repeat/Redo
          3. B.2.3. Cut
          4. B.2.4. Copy
          5. B.2.5. Paste in Center
          6. B.2.6. Paste in Place
          7. B.2.7. Clear
          8. B.2.8. Duplicate (Ctrl+D)
          9. B.2.9. Select All
          10. B.2.10. Deselect All
          11. B.2.11. Find and Replace
          12. B.2.12. Find Next
          13. B.2.13. Timeline
            1. B.2.13.1. Remove Frames
            2. B.2.13.2. Cut Frames
            3. B.2.13.3. Copy Frames
            4. B.2.13.4. Paste Frames
            5. B.2.13.5. Clear Frames
            6. B.2.13.6. Select All Frames
            7. B.2.13.7. Copy Motion
            8. B.2.13.8. Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0
            9. B.2.13.9. Paste Motion
            10. B.2.13.10. Paste Motion Special
          14. B.2.14. Edit Symbols/Document
          15. B.2.15. Edit Selected
          16. B.2.16. Edit in Place
          17. B.2.17. Edit All
          18. B.2.18. Preferences
          19. B.2.19. Customize Tools Panel
          20. B.2.20. Font Mapping (Mac: Flash → Font Mapping)
          21. B.2.21. Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac: Flash → Keyboard Shortcuts)
        3. B.3. View
          1. B.3.1. Go to
          2. B.3.2. Zoom In
          3. B.3.3. Zoom Out
          4. B.3.4. Magnification
          5. B.3.5. Preview Mode
            1. B.3.5.1. Outlines
            2. B.3.5.2. Fast
            3. B.3.5.3. Anti-Alias
            4. B.3.5.4. Anti-Alias Text
            5. B.3.5.5. Full
          6. B.3.6. Pasteboard
          7. B.3.7. Rulers
          8. B.3.8. Grid
          9. B.3.9. Guides
          10. B.3.10. Snapping
            1. B.3.10.1. Snap Align
            2. B.3.10.2. Snap to Grid
            3. B.3.10.3. Snap to Guide
            4. B.3.10.4. Snap to Pixels
            5. B.3.10.5. Snap to Objects
            6. B.3.10.6. Edit Snapping
          11. B.3.11. Hide Edges
          12. B.3.12. Show Shape Hints
          13. B.3.13. Show Tab Order
        4. B.4. Insert
          1. B.4.1. New Symbol
          2. B.4.2. Timeline
            1. B.4.2.1. Layer
            2. B.4.2.2. Layer Folder
            3. B.4.2.3. Motion Guide
            4. B.4.2.4. Frame
            5. B.4.2.5. Keyframe
            6. B.4.2.6. Blank Keyframe
            7. B.4.2.7. Create Motion Tween
            8. B.4.2.8. Create Shape Tween
          3. B.4.3. Timeline Effects
            1. B.4.3.1. Assistants
            2. B.4.3.2. Effects
            3. B.4.3.3. Tranform/Transition
          4. B.4.4. Scene
        5. B.5. Modify
          1. B.5.1. Document
          2. B.5.2. Convert to Symbol
          3. B.5.3. Break Apart
          4. B.5.4. Bitmap
            1. B.5.4.1. Swap Bitmap
            2. B.5.4.2. Trace Bitmap
          5. B.5.5. Symbol
            1. B.5.5.1. Swap Symbol
            2. B.5.5.2. Duplicate Symbol
          6. B.5.6. Shape
            1. B.5.6.1. Smooth
            2. B.5.6.2. Straighten
            3. B.5.6.3. Optimize
            4. B.5.6.4. Convert Lines to Fills
            5. B.5.6.5. Expand Fill
            6. B.5.6.6. Soften Fill Edges
            7. B.5.6.7. Add Shape Hint
            8. B.5.6.8. Remove All Hints
          7. B.5.7. Combine Objects
            1. B.5.7.1. Delete Envelope
            2. B.5.7.2. Union
            3. B.5.7.3. Intersect
            4. B.5.7.4. Punch
            5. B.5.7.5. Crop
          8. B.5.8. Timeline
            1. B.5.8.1. Distribute to Layers
            2. B.5.8.2. Layer Properties
            3. B.5.8.3. Reverse Frames
            4. B.5.8.4. Synchronize Symbols
            5. B.5.8.5. Convert to Keyframes
            6. B.5.8.6. Clear Keyframe
            7. B.5.8.7. Convert to Blank Keyframes
          9. B.5.9. Timeline Effects
            1. B.5.9.1. Edit Effect
            2. B.5.9.2. Remove Effect
          10. B.5.10. Transform
            1. B.5.10.1. Free Transform
            2. B.5.10.2. Distort
            3. B.5.10.3. Envelope
            4. B.5.10.4. Scale
            5. B.5.10.5. Rotate and Skew
            6. B.5.10.6. Scale and Rotate
            7. B.5.10.7. Rotate 90 degrees CW
            8. B.5.10.8. Rotate 90 degrees CCW
            9. B.5.10.9. Flip Vertical
            10. B.5.10.10. Flip Horizontal
            11. B.5.10.11. Remove Transform
          11. B.5.11. Arrange
            1. B.5.11.1. Bring to Front
            2. B.5.11.2. Bring Forward
            3. B.5.11.3. Send Backward
            4. B.5.11.4. Send to Back
            5. B.5.11.5. Lock
            6. B.5.11.6. Unlock All
          12. B.5.12. Align
            1. B.5.12.1. Left
            2. B.5.12.2. Horizontal Center
            3. B.5.12.3. Right
            4. B.5.12.4. Top
            5. B.5.12.5. Vertical Center
            6. B.5.12.6. Bottom
            7. B.5.12.7. Distribute Widths
            8. B.5.12.8. Distribute Heights
            9. B.5.12.9. Make Same Width
            10. B.5.12.10. Make Same Height
            11. B.5.12.11. To Stage
          13. B.5.13. Group
          14. B.5.14. Ungroup
        6. B.6. Text
          1. B.6.1. Font
          2. B.6.2. Size
          3. B.6.3. Style
          4. B.6.4. Align
          5. B.6.5. Letter Spacing
          6. B.6.6. Scrollable
          7. B.6.7. Check Spelling
          8. B.6.8. Spelling Setup
        7. B.7. Commands
          1. B.7.1. Manage Saved Commands
          2. B.7.2. Get More Commands
          3. B.7.3. Run Commands
          4. B.7.4. Copy Motion as XML
          5. B.7.5. Export Motion as XML
          6. B.7.6. Import Motion as XML
        8. B.8. Control
          1. B.8.1. Play
          2. B.8.2. Rewind
          3. B.8.3. Go To End
          4. B.8.4. Step Forward One Frame
          5. B.8.5. Step Backward One Frame
          6. B.8.6. Test Movie
          7. B.8.7. Test Scene
          8. B.8.8. Test Project
          9. B.8.9. Delete ASO Files
          10. B.8.10. Delete ASO Files and Test Movie
          11. B.8.11. Loop Playback
          12. B.8.12. Play All Scenes
          13. B.8.13. Enable Simple Frame Actions
          14. B.8.14. Enable Simple Buttons
          15. B.8.15. Enable Live Preview
          16. B.8.16. Mute Sounds
        9. B.9. Debug
          1. B.9.1. Debug Movie
          2. B.9.2. Continue
          3. B.9.3. End Debug Session
          4. B.9.4. Step In
          5. B.9.5. Step Over
          6. B.9.6. Step Out
          7. B.9.7. Remove All Breakpoints
          8. B.9.8. Begin Remote Debug Session
        10. B.10. Window
          1. B.10.1. Duplicate Window
          2. B.10.2. Toolbars
            1. B.10.2.1. Controller
            2. B.10.2.2. Edit Bar
          3. B.10.3. Timeline
          4. B.10.4. Tools
          5. B.10.5. Properties
          6. B.10.6. Library
          7. B.10.7. Common Libraries
          8. B.10.8. Actions
          9. B.10.9. Behaviors
          10. B.10.10. Compiler Errors
          11. B.10.11. Debug Panels
          12. B.10.12. Movie Explorer
          13. B.10.13. Output
          14. B.10.14. Project
          15. B.10.15. Align
          16. B.10.16. Color
          17. B.10.17. Info
          18. B.10.18. Swatches
          19. B.10.19. Transform
          20. B.10.20. Components
          21. B.10.21. Component Inspector
          22. B.10.22. Other Panels
            1. B.10.22.1. Accessibility
            2. B.10.22.2. History
            3. B.10.22.3. Scene
            4. B.10.22.4. Screens
            5. B.10.22.5. Strings
            6. B.10.22.6. Web Services
          23. B.10.23. Workspace
          24. B.10.24. Hide Panels
          25. B.10.25. Cascade
          26. B.10.26. Tile
          27. B.10.27. Combine as Tabs
          28. B.10.28. List of Open FLA files
        11. B.11. Help
          1. B.11.1. Flash Help
          2. B.11.2. What's New in Flash CS3
          3. B.11.3. Flash Exchange
          4. B.11.4. Manage Extensions
          5. B.11.5. Flash Support Center
          6. B.11.6. Flash Developer Center
          7. B.11.7. Adobe Online Forums
          8. B.11.8. Adobe Training
          9. B.11.9. Register/Activate/Deactivate
            1. B.11.9.1. Registration
            2. B.11.9.2. Activate
            3. B.11.9.3. Deactivate
          10. B.11.10. Updates
          11. B.11.11. About Flash CS3 Professional (Mac: Flash → About)
    10. Index
    11. About the Authors
    12. Colophon
    13. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly

Product information

  • Title: Flash CS3: The Missing Manual
  • Author(s): E. A. Vander Veer, Chris Grover
  • Release date: May 2007
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596555115