Chapter 1. Understanding Web Audio
In This Chapter
About Internet audio files
Deciphering bit depth and data rate
Audio hardware and software
Sound is everywhere on the Internet, and you can include sound in your Flash projects. If you're creating a Flash Web site for a music group, you can include background music or an audio player, for example, and add sounds to buttons. For example, if you're creating a Web site for a photographer, you can have a shutter-click sound play when a button is clicked. In this chapter, we discuss the sound file formats supported by Flash and introduce you to a couple of important concepts about sound. In case you will be recording your own material or editing material supplied by clients, we show you some hardware and software solutions.
Exploring Flash-Sanctioned Audio Formats
Flash supports many different sound formats. We don't profess to be experts when it comes to sound, but we do know enough to be dangerous, and more than enough to know the lowdown on sound for Flash. Do you need to be a sound expert to incorporate sound in your Flash movies? No. But it does help to know something about the different file formats, especially if you're dealing with clients who ask you to add sound to their Flash projects. When they do, you tell them which format you need it in. The following list briefly describes the sound formats supported by Flash:
WAV (*.wav): A format ...
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