AppendixQuantifying Real Estate Uncertainty: Let’s Think about the Inputs for Real Estate Simulation Models
In this Appendix, we want to tell you how we arrive at the real estate market price dynamics that we use, and how we simulate future real estate pricing to represent uncertainty, as realistically as we can.
In Chapter 7, we described how we use pricing factors to simulate future scenarios in the real estate market based on dynamics and probability functions that we input into the spreadsheet. We described a very basic and widely used dynamic pricing process known as the random walk. We described how private real estate markets include a random walk element but also include some other features: inertia (autoregression), cyclicality, and mean‐reversion.
In this Appendix, we want to take you a little deeper into the details, the nuts and bolts of our thinking and method for coming up with these important inputs. We want to give you ...
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