
A1 System-wide #include files

aerodefn.h Aerodynamic model
clocks.h Clock management
dted.h DTED functions
engdefn.h Engine model
fileio.h File I/O functions
glib.h Graphics
igdefn.h IG functions
inslib.h INS functions
iodefn.h I/O functions
iosdefn.h Instructor operating station
maths.h Maths functions
navdefn.h Navigation functions
navlib.h Navigation database functions
pnglib.h .png file generation
protodefn.h MATLAB/Octave interface
shader.h GPU shader loader
soundlib.h OpenAL sound functions
splinelib.h Spline fitting
target.h Target management
udplib.h UDP transfers
weather.h Weather functions

A2 Libraries

Makefile Build file
clocks.c Clock management
dted.c DTED functions
fileio.c File I/O functions
glib.c Graphics library
inslib.c INS functions
maths.c Maths functions
navlib.c Navigation database functions
pnglib.c .png file generation
shader.c GPU shader loader
soundlib.c OpenAL sound functions
splinelib.c Spline functions
target.c Target management
udplib.c UDP transfers
weather.c Weather functions

A3 Boeing 747-100

Makefile Build file
aero.c aero.h Aerodynamic model
aerolink.c aerolink.h Network interface
ai.c ai.h Attitude indicator
alt.c alt.h Altimeter
asi.c asi.h Airspeed indicator
b747.c Boeing 747-100 module
compass.c compass.h Compass card
demo.c Display test
diagnostics.c diagnostics.h ...

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