
16 Bit audio, 26

Active tracks, 67

Adding tracks, 69, 100, 108, 136138

Arrow tool, 70, 7576

Aspect ratio, 9, 28

Attribute copying, 122123


Cross Fades, 135136

effects, 129138

fades, 133136

Final Cut Pro, 148, 149

levels, 1617, 130133

Meters, 1617

Mixdown, 138

mixing process, 3, 4

mute, 22

output formats, 146

peak levels, 17, 130

sample rates, 2627, 4041

sound quality, 130131

Stereo Pairs, 131132

tracks, 6769, 136138

Transitions, 135136

Autosave Vault, 23

Backups, 2324, 140

Batch Capture, 3637

Bins, 4850

Blurs, 101

Borders, 101

Browser, 1617, 4547

Cameras, 5, 67

computer control, 3132

playing video, 4445

Canvas, 1617, 60

Capture, 3, 4, 3139

Capture Clip, 31, 3435

Capture Now, 31, 3536


CD-ROM output, ...

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