IA: International Alphabet.
IAB: Internet Architecture Board or Internet Activities Board.
IA5: International Alphabet No. 5.
IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
IA2: International Alphabet No. 2.
I band: The frequency band between 8 GHz and 10 GHz.
IBC: Integrated Broadband Communications.
ICA: International Communications Association.
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation.
ICI: Incoming Call Identification.
ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol.
icon: A picture or pictorial representation of an object, task or concept. This can usually be selected from a computer screen to start a programme.
IDA: Integrated Digital Access.
IDC: Insulation Displacement Connector.
IDCT: Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform.
IDDD: International ...
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