Chapter 12

Changing the Job Market One Tweet at a Time

“Rocking the A-Z of Twitter and tweets”


The first thing you notice about Bob Warren’s Twitter presence is how his personal brand message leaps out at you in everything he tweets. His tweets ooze personality, one that’s vibrant, charismatic, and above all passionate about his latest venture, ResumeBear (see Figure 12-1), an online service for job-seekers that puts them well and truly in control of their career endeavors.

Figure 12-1 ResumeBear’s philosophy has become an integral part of Bob Warren’s personal brand success story on Twitter.

Getting Started

Bob joined Twitter in 2008, shortly after launching ResumeBear. He was thrilled and excited about the change he could make for others in their job-search empowerment and wanted to get the word out to as many people as possible. He recalls, “Things were going well, but we needed a better way to get the word out about how fantastic our product was for job-seekers. A friend of mind said, ‘Hey Bob, you should really check out Twitter.’ I was already a big-time social media user and so immediately I saw the power of the Twitter platform.”

Bob envisioned connecting with thousands of people who would be able to experience the benefits of ResumeBear and then spread the ...

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