1 CS. ci. 1.1−5, svasthasyorjaskaraṃ yattu tadvṛṣyaṃ tadrasāyanaṃ—the two modalities of healing that enhance the health of the individual are rejuvenation and reproductive medicine.

2 CS. śā. 1.53, puruṣo rāśisaṃjñastu mohecchādveṣakarmajaḥ—the embodied individual is born out of delusion, likes, dislikes and the fruit of action.

SS. śā. 1.16, yato/bhihitaṃ—pañcamahā­bhūtaśarīrasamavāyaḥ puruṣaḥ iti, sa eṣaḥ karmapuruṣaścikitsādhikṛtaḥ—the person who is embodied in the physical body made up of the five great elements is the subject of treatment, the enjoyer of the fruits of action.

3 AH. ut. 40. 64, ātaṅkapaṅkamagnānām hastālambo bhiṣagjitaṃ—medical treatment is the helping hand that uplifts those who are sinking in the swamp of disease. ...

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