2.2.3 Controlled Gates

One-qubit gates are not enough for any useful quantum computation. In this subsection, we introduce an important class of multiple-qubit gates, namely the controlled gates.

The most frequently used among them is the CNOT operator C defined in Example 2.1.7. Here, we look at it in a different way. Let q1,q2 be qubit variables. Then C[q1,q2] is a two-qubit gate with q1 as the control qubit and q2 as the target qubit. It acts as follows:



for i1,i2 ∈{0,1}, where ⊕ is addition modulo 2; that is, if q1 is set to |1〉, then q2 is flipped, otherwise q2 is left unchanged. As a simple generalization of ...

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