If the idea of having a real book is still a bit intimidating, or if you don't feel quite ready for it, consider the option of writing an e-book.

The e-books I write are simple PDF files that can be sent as an e-mail attachment, or downloaded and easily distributed instantly anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. I've sold tens of thousands of copies of e-books, so I'm well versed on the subject.

Writing your first e-book could be as simple as creating a 20-page document and then saving it as a PDF file. A PDF formatted file is preferred because it can be opened by anyone on any computer (Mac or PC).

My experience with e-books has been life-changing. I wrote my first 20-page e-book over a decade ago and within just a few weeks my life began to change forever. I've talked at length about the power of a book, and even the power of calling yourself by the title of author, so I won't dwell on that any longer, but I can tell you that having e-books floating around the Internet has made me a lot of money.

For over 10 years now I've had the privilege of waking up each day, logging on to my computer, and checking the statistics of how many books I sold while I was sleeping. It's a feeling that never gets old. These books are delivered electronically as downloadable files to customers that purchase them from my various websites. The popularity of such downloadable products is booming.

One of the best ways to ...

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