One of my catch phrases when coaching businesses or students towards successfully marketing themselves or their businesses is this:

“The only new, semi-techie skill I want to teach you is e-mail management.”

Nearly all other technical aspects of your success online can be easily crowd-sourced or outsourced. Sites like,, and are all places where you can find a worker to outsource nearly any online project to. You can also use crowd sourcing on sites like for any task that can be broken into steps and performed by a crowd for cheap and fast results. When I post a quick question on Twitter or Facebook and allow the crowd to help me out with an issue, I also consider that crowd sourcing. In other words, there's no need to start reading a bunch of books about graphics, programming, and web design in order to be successful on the Internet.

I'll let you in on a little secret. I've sold and helped sell many millions of dollars of products and services online. I own multiple websites, blogs, membership websites, and lead capture pages but I have no idea how to build a pretty website because I don't have to know that stuff! I don't do techie stuff and neither should you.

But I still think you need to understand the tools of e-mail marketing!

Learning the possibilities and automation strategies behind e-mail marketing is something too important to leave in the hands of anyone else until you grasp ...

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